Harvey & Brockless

Brand Design

Harvey & Brockless, a company previously known as Cheese Cellar, and renowned for its dairy sector expertise, although they have equal expertise in the fine food & ingredients industry.

We worked on the name change, the complete redesign, and the implementation. The image of the company was transformed.


The Guide to Artisan Cheese

The Guide to Artisan Cheeses is an encyclopaedic guide to artisan cheeses which positions speciality foods distributor, Harvey & Brockless, as experts in British and European artisan cheeses with an unrivalled range, enabling their customers to make educated and informed choices. We set out to change industry perception and place them in a position of authority and respect.

“Allies have consistently delivered understated, elegant, creative design and have been an invaluable resource to us when making choices for all of our marketing tools - branding, packaging, and product literature”

— Jonnie Archer, Commercial Director at Harvey & Brockless